Monday, 14 October 2013

Task 1 - Unit 8

Unit 8: Understanding the television and film industries

Task 1: Ownerships and funding in the television and film industries

The Television Industry is owned by the major broadcasters and also less known broadcasters that are involved with production companies within the industry. In the UK television industry there are 5 well known terrestrial broadcasters, included in the 5 are channels such as BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and 5 etc. They are well known to day-to-day basis and us, which are Public Serviced broadcasters. The methods some channels are financed are by different varieties such as advertisements, private investments and license fees. Secondly the film industry is based in the commercial institution of filmmaking, screenwriting, and postproduction  

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), is the biggest and largest broadcaster in the world, they are a semi-autonomous, a semi-autonomous is owning a large organization structure such as the public service broadcaster that operate under a Royal Charter, which means license and agreements that are funded by annual television license fees from the public that watch the broad cast television programmes. ITV is an (independent television) where it is privately based and owned by companies, the way ITV is funded is by advertising revenue who are also owned by different companies or businesses in the UK region. Channel 4 is owned by (Channel four television corporation) which has a similar format of being funded by advertising revenues, but also added with a financial input from different companies for different programs such as within the Channel 4 industry. Lastly, Channel 5 (Five) is owned privately and not funded by advertising revenue, which shows wealthy business people are running the Channel 5 industry. For example the purpose for these channels is for educational children show, reality shows, documentaries and news.

British households and other organisation are now paying a license fee for their television broadcasts. The fee of a television license is £145.50 for a coloured television. On the other hand a non colored TV with a standard black and white it will cost £49.99. This has been set by the Parliament as the British Government has announced this license for all television householders. Another way of financing the television industry is by competition fees, this allows costs to enter, such shows such as Big Brother have a texting service where an eviction is taken place, and by you texting the name of the person to stay you are giving away money to Big Brother. The average amount varies with each network but an average cost of 30-40p is taken away from a single text.  The picture below shows an example from big brother 2013.

The figure below shows statistics of the average percentage increase of house holders with a colored TV or a black and white TV in recent years;


In the television industry the commercial broadcasting are known for advertisements on the radio or on the television. This is all done for raising the customer’s awareness on the product that is being advertised. Businesses invest a lot of money into a commercial and advertisement, as it has to be perfect for the public eye to see. This statistic below shows the percentage of increase since 2006 and 2010 on people watching television, which proves to business owners that advertising their products on TV is an annual way to catch the customers view on your advertised product. The way this works is for e.g. Apple will pay ITV to advertise their new I phone 5 on TV, which means Apple, pay ITV to advertise their product on a commercial break, where customers are likely to see and watch the whole apples advertisement.


This is an advertisement of Michael Jackson (This is it Concert) on the ITV channel.

The film industry has many independent companies, which are mostly based on entertainment. These independent companies have a smaller budget compared to bigger film makers, for e.g. Fast and Furious 6 had a budget of $160 million, at the box office it has made $787.9 million which is an massive profit earning for fast and furious. 

Adding on, in the film industry they also have advertisements, for example, in the fast and furious movie; Vin Diesel (Dominic) always has an alcoholic drink called Corona. This is advertisement where it engages viewers, to purchase this drink because famous people such as fast and furious actors are having it. This is done by Corona paying Fast and Furious to advertise their alcoholic drink (Corona) to their huge money making movie.

Product placement

Product placement in the film and television market is increasing in the past few decades, in the movie industry the products placement have been very successful in ways which advertisement products have reached millions in different city and countries, to advertised a product o TV is very expensive, but has the ability of making a name of your product in the competing market. Products placements have hits the publics eye, this is why so many business and organisation use television and film industry to advertise and both sectors hit a large audience in any period of time. In most films or television industry the product advertisement last about 50-60 seconds, as It is a quick glimpse of the product in the right scene and hen back to the story line. In additional marketing places, product placements possibly make more money then TV advertisement, as TV advertisement are assumed and judged when people come back from work or the statistics of how many people in the United Kingdom watch TV at a certain time, where as product placements have to ability to see which movie makes the most money in the box office and in cinema, and then they can place their product with the consent from the movie industry.

The statistic below shows the percentage rate in the united kingdom of people who watch each TV channel; this gives an example to the product placement businesses to pick a certain channel with the most views, as their product will hit a larger audience. This is useful; this is information that will boost sales for your product, the more views it hits the more sales increases.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:dzonlagicne:Desktop:Screen shot 2013-10-03 at 14.12.39.png

In the picture above the statistic shows that BBC has 31.8% views a day, which proves and shows that they have the highest percentage out of all the television production channels, this is an disadvantage as BBC do not advertise product on TV, which leaves ITV having 22.6% the 2nd popular channel which has the priority to advertise products. This leaves ITV a wealthy television industry and channel because with a lot of viewers and also advertisement with different products and business, they have the best possible chance for big companies to promote along side them.

Furthermore, an example is the Sony Vaio laptop, which is advertised in the James Bond movie, it’s a short scene where glimpse of the Vaio laptop added and scene, but still is visible to the publics eye and easily noticeable to recognise who manufactures the product.

Another example of product placements and advertisement is this picture below showing Dominic having the Corona alcoholic drink in the movie Fast and Furious.


Vertical Integration and Horizontal Integration are two types of ownership structures in the television and film industries. Vertical Integration has the ability to own the whole chain of the supply control, which basically brings the movie or TV show to be viewed by the public. A good popular example is Disney, as they are also under the Vertical Integration because there products never leave the Disney’s operation basis. Viacom is a very popular television industry, where Disney have never let them go and have always staid in the process of expansion with existing shows such as Sponge Bob that is viewed on the Nickelodeon channel.

In the advertisement and product placement t area of which products are needed and have increased in the past few years have been apple, they have hit a big market in the television and film industry with product placements, they have made billions as they are hitting high end box office movies and television programmes as customers reflect their ambition towards movies and television programs to the apple product and owning one.


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